Directors of Keystone of Life visited Burnaby Hospital in December 2014 to present a cheque for $7,301 to the Burnaby Hospital Foundation. This grant was used to purchase a Blanket Warming Cabinet for Burnaby Hospital.
The Hospital Foundation representative said that “evidence-based practices show keeping patients warm with blankets from the time of admission into the preoperative holding area, through surgery, to discharge from the post anesthesia care, results in faster recovery and discharge, lower infection rates, reduced hospital costs, better thermal comfort, and increased patient satisfactions.”
(Pictured from Left to Right in photograph are: Sue Brown (KLF), Tony Brown (Director-KLF), Misha Radoman (Director-KLF),Stacey Hunt (Nuesing Staff), DeeDee Wray, Manager for both Medicine and Oncology and Sylvia Zylla, Director Major Gifts and Planned Giving for the Foundation.